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Someone you call 02.06.2011 
Obrázek Someone you call
Chudak popletenej prisel s notickami Bohusu koza sa ti obesila v ovalne pracovne je to salat On the road to poverty
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Someone_you_call.png (chr) (3.6.2011 14:50)
"I might just spear your life"

Someone_you_call.png (majlo) (2.6.2011 19:13)
myslis ze ziskat adresu podla IP je take lahke ? to sa da len ked poznas providera, resp to nejako hacknes, nie ? v sietach sa moc nevyznam :d a mailu - :D fakt haluzne vymysline, myslite ze za toto by mohol ist aj niekto do vazenia kebyze mu nato pridu nie ? vsak to je, sirenie poplasnej spravy, resp. vyhrazanie.

Someone_you_call.png (gaudRP (2.6.2011 17:55)
Tohle na ně: [odkaz]

Someone_you_call.png (Zvedavec1RP (2.6.2011 17:37)
Mimochodem libi se mi jak to ma vymyslene. "V pristim mailu ti poslu tvoje jmeno a kde bydlis." :-D .. Predpokladam ze pocita se jmenem ktere mu prijde v policku "from" a bydliste podle IP odesilatele.

Someone_you_call.png (gaudRP (2.6.2011 17:35)
After I die my family will get the insurance and my provident fund and this will support my children’s education. I hope your operati

Someone_you_call.png (gaudRP (2.6.2011 17:35)
I will try my best to go out after 700pm to make your operation easy. I hope your team will shoot me with more bullets to end my life. I’m not scared to die since i cannot stand with the pain. Thank you very much and thanks again for the intention to spare my life with 8000 only. Now as a return you will get 65000 from my unknown friend. This matter is not reported to police.

Someone_you_call.png (gaudRP (2.6.2011 17:34)
JJ, tohle je odpoved. Sorry because earlier i replied to you with F— You. My intention is to make you angry. Finally i realized that you tried to be kind to me. As a return i want you to gain more income. Why must you get only 8000? Why not 65000. I suggest you get the 65000. Maybe my friend is trying to help me. I am suffering from esophagus cancer and carried out and operation. I do not know how long I will survive. I have to rely on morphine provided by hospital to fight against the pain

Someone_you_call.png (Zvedavec1RP (2.6.2011 17:33)
haha, peknej spam :-D koukam Niggerijci vymysleli novou techniku. Uz to neni "Jsem kral toho a toho kralovstvi, potrebuju pouzit tvuj ucet pro prevod celeho rodinneho jmeni ale potrebuju 2000 USD zalohu na bankovni poplatky. " :-D Tohle je jeste lepsi. :-D :-D :-D

Someone_you_call.png (Blah) (2.6.2011 17:30)
Kuciii nigerijsti zmenili strategii? :-)

Someone_you_call.png (qwertyRP (2.6.2011 17:11)