make your own sentence 15.08.2011 
Obrázek make your own sentence
real targets pod nebo nad safety warning made in china 4 z tanku a pes wokepropaganda Meloni Orban
Komentáře (90) Komentovat Nezobrazovat

make_your_own_sentence.jpg (LHX) (18.4.2016 12:25)
I need your mom because I'm ugly :-D

make_your_own_sentence.jpg (MorhooRP (6.5.2015 10:57)
I smoked weed with a fat guy because i smoked crack.

make_your_own_sentence.jpg (phx) (13.4.2015 19:31)
I ran naked with a clown because I was horny

make_your_own_sentence.jpg (milo) (28.7.2013 0:30)
I smoke wee with a dog,because that's what i'm ....sedi to uplne B-) :-D

make_your_own_sentence.jpg (sssssssssss) (7.2.2013 14:42)
I killed Santa Claus because I have perfect abs

make_your_own_sentence.jpg (rala) (28.11.2012 23:02)
I need a drug dealer because I hate my life....výstižné...trocha opia by si šikla

make_your_own_sentence.jpg (Paylot) (26.3.2012 20:05)
i got married with a nazi, becoues i smoked crack

make_your_own_sentence.jpg (Yeehaw) (12.1.2012 11:04)
I smoked pot with lesbian because I'm sexy. :D

make_your_own_sentence.jpg (Xivi) (30.8.2011 1:10)
I need a prostitute bocause i'm sexy :D oh yeah! :D

make_your_own_sentence.jpg (murkoRP (29.8.2011 13:05)
i shot an egg bacause i smoked crack :D

make_your_own_sentence.jpg (SKYTROLLRP (19.8.2011 14:07)
I pissed on George Bush, because that's the way i AM :-) epic win

make_your_own_sentence.jpg (Warec) (18.8.2011 17:55)
I need a bowl of cereal. Because I smoked crack. :D:D:D:D

make_your_own_sentence.jpg (Snoopy_AbsurdumRP (17.8.2011 21:05)
Tak, teď mám přehled, kdy se kdo narodil. :o)

make_your_own_sentence.jpg (Liqido) (17.8.2011 14:34)
I smoked weed with a horse because i smoked crack

make_your_own_sentence.jpg (ziraffkaRP (17.8.2011 13:16)
i got married with a prostitute because im a gay B-)
