Consummated 07.12.2011 
Obrázek Consummated
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Consummated.jpg (.:Gembler:.RP (8.12.2011 10:12)
důkaz deflorace? >-O tak to je krutopřísnej humus

Consummated.jpg (Krucifix) (7.12.2011 19:31)
FYI : Consummation or consummation of a marriage, in many traditions and statutes of civil or religious law, is the first (or first officially credited) act of sexual intercourse between two individuals, following their marriage to each other. ... aka odpanění :D

Consummated.jpg (propediotikaRP (7.12.2011 19:25)
A co to je? Turinske platno ci co?

Consummated.jpg (phoenicksRP (7.12.2011 19:07)
...aaaand divorced

Consummated.jpg (Makrose) (7.12.2011 17:24)
:-D :-D :-D :-D

Consummated.jpg (rottor) (7.12.2011 16:32)
LIKE a BOSS !!!!!