If someone asks me what I do all day at work - I show them this helpful infographic 19-01-2012 19.01.2012 
Obrázek If someone asks me what I do all day at work - I show them this helpful infographic 19-01-2012
real targets pod nebo nad safety warning made in china 4 z tanku a pes wokepropaganda dnes 10 vyroci ruskeho barbarstvi
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If_someone_asks_me_what_I_do_all_day_at_work_-_I_show_them_this_helpful_infographic_19-01-2012.gif (Kurva úž) (15.9.2023 15:03)

If_someone_asks_me_what_I_do_all_day_at_work_-_I_show_them_this_helpful_infographic_19-01-2012.gif (.:Gembler:.RP (20.1.2012 8:27)
výbušnej pták? nebo si myslel Internet ExploreR

If_someone_asks_me_what_I_do_all_day_at_work_-_I_show_them_this_helpful_infographic_19-01-2012.gif (VincentRP (19.1.2012 19:46)
Tak milé děti vznikl Explorel

If_someone_asks_me_what_I_do_all_day_at_work_-_I_show_them_this_helpful_infographic_19-01-2012.gif (Woyta+) (19.1.2012 18:53)
Heidenhain itnc 350? Vcelku by to odpovidalo.

If_someone_asks_me_what_I_do_all_day_at_work_-_I_show_them_this_helpful_infographic_19-01-2012.gif (Alveron) (19.1.2012 18:32)
nevim jak programovani, ale na excel to rozhodne funguje...