Pursuit Of Happiness 08-02-2012 08.02.2012 
Obrázek Pursuit Of Happiness 08-02-2012
help refuges whaman kam by taky sli nova hvezda Matrixu priorities priorities najdirozdil
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Pursuit_Of_Happiness_08-02-2012.jpg (ja45) (8.2.2012 20:50)
co ma kurva v tej krabici?????

Pursuit_Of_Happiness_08-02-2012.jpg (karel) (8.2.2012 19:08)
My dream is to keep telling:"you can't do that". So, I am not going to let you tell me that I can't!

Pursuit_Of_Happiness_08-02-2012.jpg (hulakRP (8.2.2012 16:05)
Ten film se jmenuje pursuit of happyness btw... (Ve filmu je to takto chybně napsáno na jakési zdi jako grafity)

Pursuit_Of_Happiness_08-02-2012.jpg (pans) (8.2.2012 15:14)
true story :)