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-Goldfish-      11.09.2012 11.09.2012 
Obrázek -Goldfish-      11.09.2012
nepodepsal stejne jako spolupraci s stb sam nebo s prateli difuzor Slovaci jdou po zlate mam pravo cekat kdyz kroutis sedmou tisicovku
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-Goldfish-______11.09.2012.jpg (Behold3rRP (11.9.2012 14:10)
cool story bro

-Goldfish-______11.09.2012.jpg (Basomti Kombucha!) (11.9.2012 13:43)
He remembers you this second, he'll remember you the next second and he'll remember you the second after that... ...And then he doesn't remember you anymore. Goldfishes have only about 3 seconds of memory.