A tiger mother 08.11.2013 
Obrázek A tiger mother
komiternisti nepomohli CR ale sobe export populistov But-wait-theres-more2 Bought and paid for velky kokot chcije a chcije2
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A_tiger_mother.jpg (Feshynakk) (27.10.2019 11:47)
to by ma zaujimalo ako prebiehalo krmenie, stali sa z prasat kanibali? :-/

A_tiger_mother.jpg (cobolostan) (8.11.2013 20:01)
nene, je to nejaka latka z trika od vietnamcu 8-)

A_tiger_mother.jpg (prorok) (8.11.2013 19:21)
chybi dulezity detail, ta selata na sobe maji kozisky z tygratek

A_tiger_mother.jpg (cpyRP (8.11.2013 8:14)
Tiger pigs, tiger pigs, do whatever a tiger pig does.

A_tiger_mother.jpg (vcx_) (8.11.2013 7:43)
pokračovanie v mase?

A_tiger_mother.jpg (Abdul_HasanRP (8.11.2013 6:55)
awww... its personal bacon...