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Mother cat gives her kittens lessons on fighting (26.4.2014 18:47)
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Mother cat gives her kittens lessons on fighting

Komentáře (4) Komentovat Nezobrazovat

Mother cat gives her kittens lessons on fighting (SirIndyRP (27.4.2014 9:10)
Podobne bylo jak ucila pit z misky.

Mother cat gives her kittens lessons on fighting (yournameRP (27.4.2014 4:31)
kokotina... a este aj picovina

Mother cat gives her kittens lessons on fighting (vecernikRP (26.4.2014 19:35)
to neni zachvat. To vysvetluje: "takhle ho chytis, pak mu trikrat natahnes zleva, pustis a nakonec ho levym hakem dorazis"

Mother cat gives her kittens lessons on fighting (starship trooper) (26.4.2014 19:22)
cpt:? proč dostane ten záchvat?