who is who . .  04.05.2015 
Obrázek who is who . . 
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who_is_who_._._.jpg (Abdul_HasanRP (5.5.2015 0:00)
*diabetical laughter*

who_is_who_._._.jpg (MilaneseRP (4.5.2015 22:58)
*diabolical laughter*

who_is_who_._._.jpg (bakuloupogulachRP (4.5.2015 20:07)
nobody expects spider santa inquisition

who_is_who_._._.jpg (Chefu) (4.5.2015 18:54)
Amongst our weaponry are such diverse elements as: fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope, and nice red uniforms - Oh damn! :-D :-D :-D

who_is_who_._._.jpg (cokoladova kobliha) (4.5.2015 17:16)
Nobody expects spanish inquisition!