new type of seats
(pc2005n) (2.9.2023 3:10)
těch obtisknutejch obličejů až pilot dupne na brzdy |
new type of seats
(adams) RP (1.9.2023 23:42)
Ti horní jsou economy class druhá třída, ti budou sedět a držet hubu a krok. |
new type of seats
(Roumen) R (1.9.2023 23:00)
A ti horni si natahuji nohy kam? Nad hlavy tech pred/pod sebou? |
new type of seats
(Ded) (1.9.2023 20:58)
Prdy rovnou do ksichtu. |
new type of seats
(haxoř) RP (1.9.2023 19:44)
alebo tu to rozoberali borici mytov [odkaz] |
new type of seats
(haxoř) RP (1.9.2023 19:42)
@brnonymova reinkarnace 7: [odkaz] The present invention relates to an aircraft seat comprising a base capable of absorbing the deformations of the floor of the aircraft especially during a violent landing or a crash. |
new type of seats
(brnonymova reinkarnace 7) (1.9.2023 19:34)
Jaka deformacni zona? V letadle jsou jen dve deformacni zony. Trup letadla a tela pasazeru. |
new type of seats
(Donovanstangiano ) (1.9.2023 19:15)
To je blby, to se bude libit. |
new type of seats
(haxoř) RP (1.9.2023 19:15)
do je strasna kokotina, a co deformacna zona pod sedadlom ? |