the future is now (31.10.2023 16:17)
+ x !  Známka: 1Váha: malá

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the future is now (Fr_von_Dr) (1.11.2023 10:39)
To kdyby viděl Terminátor...

the future is now (Jaz-at-rouRP (31.10.2023 19:34)
Takže je to pravda! [odkaz]

the future is now (Kundowag) (31.10.2023 17:06)
Ruko zvedni micek...

the future is now (lmaoRP (31.10.2023 16:39)
s tou by se honilo

the future is now (kkkkkkkkkkllllllllll) (31.10.2023 16:31)