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the future is now (27.2.2025 19:17)
+ x !  Známka: 1Váha: malá

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the future is now (keket_nereg_nereg) (28.2.2025 13:30)
Drandit Karla 2.0 B-)

the future is now (BzumRP (27.2.2025 20:44)
To navrhoval Rick ne? :o)

the future is now (Peter .RP (27.2.2025 20:39)
Tak daj link na produkt, štartujem šunky.

the future is now (Občan YRP (27.2.2025 19:49)
Ja myslim, ze umyvatelna je.

the future is now (Peter .RP (27.2.2025 19:36)
Ak je to umývateľné, kupujem dva.