When a stream of water is exposed to an audio speaker producing a l (18.11.2013 11:38)
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When a stream of water is exposed to an audio speaker producing a l

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When a stream of water is exposed to an audio speaker producing a l (Zantaraz) (18.11.2013 19:09)
ono ot nemusí být nutně 24hz důležité je aby byla frekvence snímání kamery stejná jako frekvence na repráku

When a stream of water is exposed to an audio speaker producing a l (šprt) (18.11.2013 12:55)
Možná spíš ta hadice je před reprákem. S tím proudem už by to taková sláva nebyla

When a stream of water is exposed to an audio speaker producing a l (JuraRP (18.11.2013 11:52)
@Lammer... sorry - fixed = "when a stream of water is exposed to an audio speaker producing a loud 24hz sine wave"

When a stream of water is exposed to an audio speaker producing a l (Lammer&OutsiderRP (18.11.2013 11:46)
producing what?