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This is BOXING (17.1.2014 7:09)
+ x !  Známka: 1Váha: velká
This is BOXING

Komentáře (12) Komentovat Nezobrazovat

This is BOXING (kodo) (25.10.2014 11:31)
Ale ta první rána byla boží faleš xD

This is BOXING (snapi) (23.1.2014 17:02)
never go fully retarded :D

This is BOXING (parek_czRP (19.1.2014 1:07)
Nesportovni chovani.....report.....ban :D

This is BOXING (Selb) (18.1.2014 18:15)
Dokonalost :-D :-D :-D

This is BOXING (amigo) (17.1.2014 19:47)
Jerry Lewis vo filme Sailor Beware 1952

This is BOXING (JohanRP (17.1.2014 19:25)
Z jakého filmu to je?

This is BOXING (Los_AngelosRP (17.1.2014 14:30)
Fake and gay :-)

This is BOXING (Pan_EgonRP (17.1.2014 13:17)
:-D :-D :-D

This is BOXING (tsLRP (17.1.2014 12:40)
Já, Jack!

This is BOXING (an) (17.1.2014 10:37)
Spis jako Casablanca Driver

This is BOXING (EllrohirRP (17.1.2014 10:23)
wtf? počátky wrestlingu v americe?

This is BOXING (mizeraRP (17.1.2014 7:29)
mi to pripomina robotu..