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he is a little unusual he wears sandals (16.11.2014 1:26)
+ x !  Známka: 2Váha: malá
he is a little unusual he wears sandals

Komentáře (5) Komentovat Nezobrazovat

he is a little unusual he wears sandals (H.P.L) (16.11.2014 23:40)
In the sunken city of R'lyeh dead Cthulhu performs surgery. Cpt out.

he is a little unusual he wears sandals (sdf) (16.11.2014 16:31)
NE NE to je Davy Jhones

he is a little unusual he wears sandals (WimpoRP (16.11.2014 12:46)

he is a little unusual he wears sandals (princ) (16.11.2014 10:04)
zaidberk ala falout ?

he is a little unusual he wears sandals (MegaGay) (16.11.2014 8:57)