uhni vole kráva letí (30.4.2015 22:38)
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uhni vole kráva letí

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uhni vole kráva letí (321kbps) (30.4.2015 23:07)
Malucelli suffered a "severe cerebral concussion," but the situation is not considered critical, according to the team, and he remains under observation. It's not clear the extent of Gidley's injuries, but he underwent surgery on his left arm and leg. He also has an "unstable fracture" in his back which will require further surgery before release, according to his own racing team.

uhni vole kráva letí (321kbps) (30.4.2015 23:03)
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TL2pqzgicZ4