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gcas autopilot (elon musk quietly envies) (14.9.2016 14:29)
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gcas autopilot (elon musk quietly envies)

Komentáře (8) Komentovat Nezobrazovat

gcas autopilot (elon musk quietly envies) (cern0usekRP (15.9.2016 11:37)
Vteriny... nebo sekundy?

gcas autopilot (elon musk quietly envies) (Dr.RocksoRP (14.9.2016 22:45)
až na to, že chybí kousek 1. vteřiny

gcas autopilot (elon musk quietly envies) (10star) (14.9.2016 19:23)
zrychlene? dyt ty hodiny tam jdou normalne

gcas autopilot (elon musk quietly envies) (hixaxonRP (14.9.2016 17:25)
Bohužel je to trošku zrychlené, but still impressive.

gcas autopilot (elon musk quietly envies) (RoumenR (14.9.2016 16:35)
Dobra je ta vyska...10...9...8... :-D

gcas autopilot (elon musk quietly envies) (Src) (14.9.2016 14:58)
Jo, a taky "It took nearly 30 years for the USAF to develop this system"

gcas autopilot (elon musk quietly envies) (Ja1.RP (14.9.2016 14:44)
ale tam v lufte to nemusi davat pozor na hromadu picusov okolo :o)

gcas autopilot (elon musk quietly envies) (MemRP (14.9.2016 14:38)
Jj, moc pěkné. "The student rolled and started to pull the aircraft but experienced G-induced loss of consciousness (G-LOC) as the F-16 hit around 8.3g. With the pilot now unconscious, the aircraft’s nose dropped and, from an altitude of just over 17,000 ft., entered a steepening dive in full afterburner." [odkaz]