Churchil (10.4.2022 17:35)
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Churchil (pan_Jaroslav_Crha_guru_ITRP (11.4.2022 17:57)
libtardi utoči ?

Churchil (draculusRP (11.4.2022 0:06)
Některé části, co tam nemají jsou snadno doplnitelné. Např. ...stretch? another blow to be struck almost immediately. The hospital ships which brought out many thousands of French and British wounded.

Churchil (draculusRP (10.4.2022 23:57)
Je to dost zahuhňané, ale je tomu rozumět.

Churchil (lLamaRP (10.4.2022 22:48)
Tak tady se Biden ucil anglictinu!

Churchil (44topsRP (10.4.2022 18:06)
"Aaah ah ah ah ah ah yeah, fuck me, ah, fuck, aah yeah!!" Jenna Jameson.