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Ragdoll (20.4.2022 7:37)
+ x !  Známka: 5Váha: malá

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Ragdoll (BGRP (20.4.2022 11:13)
V oktobri to bude presne 10 rokov. 8-)

Ragdoll (lJb1upSSBLRP (20.4.2022 10:34)
fajnsmekeeer: +

Ragdoll (fajnsmekeeer) (20.4.2022 9:05)
kolko rokov stara dupla? a kokot wujc to ani nehodi do masa... wujc je kokot. ban pre wujca.

Ragdoll (bilapani) (20.4.2022 8:29)
kromě jiného... proč to mají tak vysoko? ukázka síly je už to, že se s tím narovná, kdyby to pak postavil ve výšce "na stůl", vyjde to nastejno a nebudou muset řešit, že některej strongman je třeba trochu menšího vzrůstu, než jinej...

Ragdoll (BGRP (20.4.2022 8:13)
The Kitchener strongman athlete is recovering after a 360 pound boulder fell on his chest during an Oktoberfest strongman competition. The 22 year-old was just about to hoist the fourth and final boulder in the atlas stones event. Bongelli said before blacking out from the strain of lifting the boulder, he knew something was not right. While the injuries could have been severe or even fatal, Bongelli says he managed to get by with only a few scratches and some bruising. [odkaz]

Ragdoll (reborn-czRP (20.4.2022 7:53)
hm, rozdrceny zebra