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cops (9.10.2022 20:02)
+ x !  Známka: 4Váha: malá

Komentáře (2) Komentovat Nezobrazovat

cops (sfd) (10.10.2022 23:33)
Vůbec ho neznám, ale už jenom kvůli téhle reklamě bych ho volil.

cops (erf) (10.10.2022 17:35)
Louisiana Senator @SenJohnKennedy made an incredibly offensive campaign ad in which he suggests those critical of the police "call a crackhead" next time they get into trouble. So... I registered http://callacrackhead.com and redirected it to his Washington office phone. ???? https://twitter.com/leemartin/status/1577042997400678401?s=20&t=2snadb1W0SCNttJnzBteZg