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A320, jedu (18.11.2022 23:33)
+ x !  Známka: 1Váha: malá

Komentáře (9) Komentovat Nezobrazovat

A320, jedu (vsevedkoRP (19.11.2022 14:53)
... movement area training than we do. Also, from firefighters own words, the airport firefighters are where they send the worst firefighters or the phukups, or its where the lazy ones go to not work alot.

A320, jedu (vsevedkoRP (19.11.2022 14:53)
toto len potvrdzuje predchadzajuci komentar: "I work at one of the biggest and busiest airport in the world and would have been first on scene before firefighters or medical in this incident. At my airport most runway incursions are commited by firefighters, for these reasons. When they are called to respond its usually after they wake up from a long sleep and are not fully awake. Also they are not used to driving on the airfield like people in my position(AIrfield Safety), Also they have way less airfield

A320, jedu (morlorRP (19.11.2022 9:37)
kdyby jste věděli co za kretény a nemehla dělá dneska u stříkaček, tak si je nezavoláte ani když budete hořet

A320, jedu (uhasil) (19.11.2022 7:46)
a uhasil to teda?

A320, jedu (wd43) (19.11.2022 6:31)
jasna chyba hasice, letadlo ma na letisti vzdycky prednost

A320, jedu (AtarianRP (19.11.2022 3:54)
Tak co vy Roumenovy odbornici-vseznalci? Byla to chyba vezky ze nezavrel VPD nebo chyba hasice, ze nepozadal o vstup na drahu?

A320, jedu (yxusRP (19.11.2022 0:29)
toz si koknu videjo z druhe strany a pak komentuju...

A320, jedu (hehehe) (18.11.2022 23:50)
nie je to zrážka s vozidlom v pozadí - sadá bez jednej podvozkovej nohy a zrovna položí motor na dráhu

A320, jedu (mlem) (18.11.2022 23:45)