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Different-usages-of-different-pupils-on-animals 04.04.2020 
Obrázek Different-usages-of-different-pupils-on-animals
to by za to stalo facts atmoflat da se aplikovat i na proruske filcky talking frog yay easy satan
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Different-usages-of-different-pupils-on-animals.jpg (Sight) (5.4.2020 10:52)
Crescent pupils enhance vision by decreasing the effect of ... :D

Different-usages-of-different-pupils-on-animals.jpg (MaT__) (4.4.2020 21:43)
Já jsem si to i ze zájmem přečetl, ale vadil mi tam ten nápis vlevo dole. Tak se mi to tady podařilo najít bez něj: