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Irony II 01.07.2011 
Obrázek Irony II
Chudak popletenej prisel s notickami Bohusu koza sa ti obesila v ovalne pracovne je to salat On the road to poverty
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Irony_II.jpg (MSGRP (15.5.2018 10:27)
Irónia je, keď urobíš obrázok o irónii pri kreslení stromov na papier a ten papier sa už zo stromov nevyrába, lebo bavlnená buničina je lacnejšia...

Irony_II.jpg (numo) (1.7.2011 13:48)
Ironic literature exploits, in addition to the rhetorical figure, such devices as character development, situation, and plot to stress the paradoxical nature of reality or the contrast between an ideal and actual condition, set of circumstances, etc., frequently in such a way as to stress the absurdity present in the contradiction between substance and form.

Irony_II.jpg (cockroachRP (1.7.2011 13:34)
Irónia je výrobok zo železa.

Irony_II.jpg (diana) (1.7.2011 11:32)
xdcfgvhkbhlnjkl: jop to je jedno z uziti ironie ..

Irony_II.jpg (xdcfgvhkbhlnjkl) (1.7.2011 11:07)
irony –noun, plural -nies. the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning: the irony of her reply, “How nice!” when I said I had to work all weekend. Zdroj: dictionary.reference.com

Irony_II.jpg (jaaa) (1.7.2011 10:56)
T-Jack: pan intelektual, tak nam napiste co je to? a viete vobec co je ironia? nema len jednu definiciu

Irony_II.jpg (T-JackRP (1.7.2011 10:44)
Až na to, že tohle ironické není ani náhodou...

Irony_II.jpg (trigger.*) (1.7.2011 9:23)
hahahha i get it