On Top Of The World 26.02.2015 
Obrázek On Top Of The World
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On_Top_Of_The_World.jpg (jardousRP (27.2.2015 8:23)
vypada to, ze dosahla vrcholu...

On_Top_Of_The_World.jpg (Cyan) (26.2.2015 21:33)
Here I am Living a dream that I can't hold Here I am on my own On top of the world, on top of it all, trying to feel invincible I'm dying on top of the world

On_Top_Of_The_World.jpg (strycek.frenkRP (26.2.2015 20:57)
Mississippi river long deep and wide the woman I'm loving 's on the other side and now she's gone but I don't worry 'cause I'm sitting on the top of the world