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The Black Girl So Wealthy She Was Legally Declared White 29.07.2021 
Obrázek The Black Girl So Wealthy She Was Legally Declared White
Zebrik MethaneProduction wankpanzer spagety1718 HezkyMeVyfot socialny demokrat
Komentáře (4) Komentovat Nezobrazovat

The_Black_Girl_So_Wealthy_She_Was_Legally_Declared_White.jpg (autokratorRP (29.7.2021 8:01)
Zní to rozumně. Pár nejbohatším přiznat ve společnosti stejný status, jako bílým. Zbytek negrů pak segregovat. Je to takové hezké projevení dobré vůle a tolerance. :-)

The_Black_Girl_So_Wealthy_She_Was_Legally_Declared_White.jpg (Kalda) (29.7.2021 7:01)
bohyn: ale hovno, proste ji prohlasili za bilou :-D The law at the time required full-blooded Indians, black adults, and children who were citizens of Indian Territory with significant property and money, to be assigned "well-respected" white guardians. Given her wealth, in 1913 the Oklahoma Legislature made an effort to have her declared white, allowing Rector to reap the benefits of her elevated social standing, such as riding in a first class car on the trains.

The_Black_Girl_So_Wealthy_She_Was_Legally_Declared_White.jpg (bohynRP (29.7.2021 2:08)
Negri smeli vlastnit pudu? =) No, urcite na ni musel byt jeji pan velmy pysny.

The_Black_Girl_So_Wealthy_She_Was_Legally_Declared_White.jpg (brnonymousRP (29.7.2021 1:37)
Pudu neukradla, tudiz byla prohlasena za bilou.

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