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bible mass murderer 27.07.2019 
Obrázek bible mass murderer
Nejlepsi prezident tri hyeny huh fuck kvici idiot v prahe prasce
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bible_mass_murderer.jpg (Dr.Str.RP (4.2.2021 8:36)
Čingischán zabil třetinu populace světa. To je toho. Jak tu mrdáme, mají to masoví vrazi čím dál těžší.

bible_mass_murderer.jpg (DroamRP (29.7.2019 12:08)
List of political leaders and regimes by death toll - je to v cca 3/4 tabulek. [odkaz]

bible_mass_murderer.jpg (402) (28.7.2019 18:03)
A co jak bys chtěl zjišťovat? Protrhnul se Bospor a vzniklo Černé moře.

bible_mass_murderer.jpg (cockroachRP (28.7.2019 8:34)
Uniká mi, ako je možné toto považovať za to, že ich "zabil". Mali si tiež postaviť svoje archy.

bible_mass_murderer.jpg (Feshynaak) (27.7.2019 23:30)
V predpokladanej dobe aj tak nezilo vela ludi len zopar milionov(statisicov) takze stalin a hitler muje stale lepsie skore

bible_mass_murderer.jpg (Hammerzeit) (27.7.2019 23:29)
dole mal byt Cingischan

bible_mass_murderer.jpg (5674gf5rg) (27.7.2019 23:07)
Nejaka varianta s pribehem o potope sveta se traduje v mnoha kulturach. Co treba prestat nekoho vinit, ze "opisoval" od civilizace, ktera je _povazovana_ za nejstarsi a zauvazovat nad tim, ze se to fakt mohlo stat?

bible_mass_murderer.jpg (WTH) (27.7.2019 22:13)
And your proof for that is? "in History" meaning as Stalin and Hitler are documented people who actually existed "in History." Our History. And their actions are documented and accounted for. Noah story is stolen summerian tale about flood, with has as much credibilty as Skynet from Terminator movies in terms of "Lives taken in history." Cause Skynet wins over Noah.

bible_mass_murderer.jpg (pičaku) (27.7.2019 20:31)
raumonist fapman: pfff, peanuts

bible_mass_murderer.jpg (mommafat2) (27.7.2019 20:31)
Noah and his family, with a lot of one-pair animal species were the only ones to survive. And here we are. Think about it. You have all the time you need.

bible_mass_murderer.jpg (WTH) (27.7.2019 20:26)
"in History" .. Since when is an ancient fantasy book considered as historical source?