sad lion is sad 17.02.2023 
Obrázek sad lion is sad
tady uz valka byla tankies guilde zabijeji 10pct and I am not in priste bud zvon nebo nechod happy birthday Skynet
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sad_lion_is_sad.jpg (Fr_von_Dr) (17.2.2023 21:17)
Furt by chtěly šukat, ale čuráky máme my!

sad_lion_is_sad.jpg (cockroachRP (17.2.2023 18:37)
@ruzacz: :-D fakt

sad_lion_is_sad.jpg (Los LososRP (17.2.2023 18:30)
Čumí jak Petr Nečas.

sad_lion_is_sad.jpg (ruzacz) (17.2.2023 10:06)
vemola irl :D

sad_lion_is_sad.jpg (gofry2) (17.2.2023 9:33)
Horseshit. "The distress seen in the male lion is not a tired lion being prompted for another round of mating, but a father lion being bitten on the testicles by a cub. According to the zoo, this is not the first instance of this behavior for cubs Asha, Reena, and Mette."

sad_lion_is_sad.jpg (MSGRP (17.2.2023 9:22)
30x denne po 3 sekundy, chudák lev musí byť dobre unavený...