vycpany kon Gustava Adolfa 06.10.2019 
Obrázek vycpany kon Gustava Adolfa
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vycpany_kon_Gustava_Adolfa.JPG (EllrohirRP (8.10.2019 20:20)
"The remains of Gustavus Adolphus' horse can be seen in the City Museum. The horse was shot from under the king by one of the cannons inside the fortress, a cannon known as "The Fig". When the Swedes withdrew, the city preserved the remains of the king's horse, eventually putting the form on display. It has remained thus for almost 400 years." [odkaz]

vycpany_kon_Gustava_Adolfa.JPG (Luda) (7.10.2019 22:48)
Alespoň podle google obrázků to není on

vycpany_kon_Gustava_Adolfa.JPG (pc2005) (7.10.2019 10:47)
Augusta per angusta!

vycpany_kon_Gustava_Adolfa.JPG (SirIndyRP (7.10.2019 8:15)
Libera et impera!

vycpany_kon_Gustava_Adolfa.JPG (brnonymousRP (7.10.2019 2:37)
...když budeš hodný, soudruhu, a budeš pěkně pracovat, ukážeme ti muzeum, kde máme vycpanou krávu a kulaka, který ji bránil.

vycpany_kon_Gustava_Adolfa.JPG (Hnidopich original) (7.10.2019 2:35)
A Gistav?