vyroci norm 06.06.2014 
Obrázek vyroci norm
souhlasis s timto Thats-actually-not-a-bad-idea Vsechno nejlepsi k sedmdesatinam Mistre volici vedia Lebo maju vlastny roZum knuknu MakeRoumingFunnyAndGreat-11
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vyroci_norm.jpg (PiterkoRP (8.6.2014 21:40)
Som zvedavý, kedy ľudia začnú kvôli svojmu egu písať po nemecky alebo po španielsky...

vyroci_norm.jpg (strikerlikerRP (8.6.2014 19:50)
What an incredible history illiterate moron you are! So ---the Yanks are idiots, huh? I have a cousin that never got to see his wife again or newborn girl because I guess he was such an idiot and sacrificed his life for the freedom of Europeans he had never met. He is now buried in Europe ---- thousands of miles away from his family. But I guess it's HIS fault because he should have invaded in an area that went "more smoothly." Show some gratitude, Dr. Str., and not myoptic ignorance. Sheesh!

vyroci_norm.jpg (Dr.Str.RP (8.6.2014 19:28)
Technicky vzato, ztráty byly jen na Omaha beach, pač Amíci jsou pitomci... Jinde to proběhlo víceméně bez problémů.

vyroci_norm.jpg (strikerlikerRP (8.6.2014 8:07)
Thanks. I'm dying to see this place.

vyroci_norm.jpg (Branodonn) (7.6.2014 11:09)
Bad Grandpa!! B-)

vyroci_norm.jpg (PiterkoRP (6.6.2014 22:26)
This is Nromandy and welcome to the Jackass! B-)

vyroci_norm.jpg (fagan01) (6.6.2014 19:15)
http://www.armyweb.cz/clanek/sileni-valecnici-dil-4-bestie-z-omahy B-)

vyroci_norm.jpg (Auf Wiedersehen) (6.6.2014 18:31)
Guten Tag! :-P

vyroci_norm.jpg (PaulZyRP (6.6.2014 18:11)
WARM welcome