vzpominka na Apollo 11 double fixed 21.07.2024 
Obrázek vzpominka na Apollo 11 double fixed
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vzpominka_na_Apollo_11_double_fixed.jpg (mikoRP (21.7.2024 23:11)
to jo, akorat nikdo nerekne, ze ty ateliery mely postavene na mesici

vzpominka_na_Apollo_11_double_fixed.jpg (rroumenRP (21.7.2024 23:03)
Ano, nikdy tam nebyli a tocili to v atelierech ;-)

vzpominka_na_Apollo_11_double_fixed.jpg (Občan YRP (21.7.2024 22:13)
Two members of the Apollo 11 lunar landing mission participate in a simulation of deploying and using lunar tools, on the surface of the moon, during a training exercise in Building 9 on April 22, 1969. Astronaut Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. (on left), lunar module pilot, uses a scoop to pick up a sample. Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong, Apollo 11 commander, holds bag to receive sample. In the background is a Lunar Module (LM) mock-up. [odkaz]