(Dadoun) (14.7.2012 8:54)
And because they're douchebags. |
(lurkerisko) (13.7.2012 21:56)
And of course no need to mention that the Slovak language has got a limited vocabulary, compared to English. And sometimes you want to say something... and it just does not work out in Slovak. |
(nobrainer) RP (13.7.2012 21:26)
zoki: Because the Slovak language is not evolving and it's lacking fundamental and new words that are used around the world, except Slovakia. Read any technical article in Slovak language and you'll find out that most of the words have no Slovak etymology, because they are taken from other languages, mainly English. [odkaz] | Also, there are many inaccurate words, such as Netherlands being called "Holandsko", while S/N Holland are only 2 of 12 provinces of Netherlands. |
(ErDo9) (13.7.2012 20:15)
Jednoduché! Gamer potrebuje falus a hľadá kocky... Ste buzny |
(zoki) (13.7.2012 19:36)
Čo za zvrátení debili musia písať komentáre k obrázkom anglicky? To sa hanbíte za češtinu a slovenčinu? Často krát to píšete aj zle. Načo je toto dobré? |
(PaulZy) RP (13.7.2012 19:14)
True story... especially after de-facto quiting playing. |