- Cheerleaders effect -      24.01.2013 24.01.2013 
Obrázek - Cheerleaders effect -      24.01.2013
kam curate vy safety warning made in china 4 z tanku a pes dnes 10 vyroci ruskeho barbarstvi wokepropaganda BANGer
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-_Cheerleaders_effect_-______24.01.2013.jpg (FreezeRP (24.1.2013 13:27)
MOAR: [odkaz]

-_Cheerleaders_effect_-______24.01.2013.jpg (HelmiczkaRP (24.1.2013 12:40)
TheTodd - a možno práve v tom je ten vtip :) že tieto vyzerajú hot každá jedna zvlásť.

-_Cheerleaders_effect_-______24.01.2013.jpg (theTodd) (24.1.2013 12:04)
urban dictionary tvrdi toto: It's when you see a group of girls or guys and they look hot, but when you see each person individually they are NOT, that an effect, when they are in groups they look hot. nemyslim si, ze tieto nebudu hot, ked budu individualne. preto, toto nie je cheer. ef.

-_Cheerleaders_effect_-______24.01.2013.jpg (321456) (24.1.2013 11:17)
joooo, tohle je cheerleader affect

-_Cheerleaders_effect_-______24.01.2013.jpg (theTodd) (24.1.2013 10:36)
tak toto teda nie je cheerleaders effect. uploader, zisti si poriadne, co to znamena.