- Relax - its North Korea -      31.03.2013 31.03.2013 
Obrázek - Relax - its North Korea -      31.03.2013
safety warning made in china 4 z tanku a pes wokepropaganda dnes 10 vyroci ruskeho barbarstvi kam curate vy BANGer
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-_Relax_-_its_North_Korea_-______31.03.2013.jpg (StrigonRP (31.3.2013 23:31)

-_Relax_-_its_North_Korea_-______31.03.2013.jpg (YodaRP (31.3.2013 19:17)
Severná Kórea je ešte stále vo vojne s USA a Južnou Kóreou, master out ;-)

-_Relax_-_its_North_Korea_-______31.03.2013.jpg (Em0b0y1) (31.3.2013 18:22)
SirIndy: Euroshopper verze státu

-_Relax_-_its_North_Korea_-______31.03.2013.jpg (pan strakapoud) (31.3.2013 18:20)
1. noun. (derogetory) school bus shorter in length than a conventional school bus commonly used to transport students with physical or mental handicaps. 2. adjective. (derogetory) describes student who rides such a bus. See also, special. 3. adjective. (derogetory) lacking in mental capacity, or stupid. See also retarded.

-_Relax_-_its_North_Korea_-______31.03.2013.jpg (SirIndyRP (31.3.2013 18:17)