- Something Creative -      04.04.2013 04.04.2013 
Obrázek - Something Creative -      04.04.2013
safety warning made in china 4 z tanku a pes wokepropaganda dnes 10 vyroci ruskeho barbarstvi kam curate vy BANGer
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-_Something_Creative_-______04.04.2013.jpg (asdasdasdasdwe) (4.4.2013 12:20)
Bukvice nemaju vela spolocneho s bohom. Hen ten ujo z fuzami nie je boh. To je ak tak neoholeny sochar na dochodku.

-_Something_Creative_-______04.04.2013.jpg (EllrohirRP (4.4.2013 11:15)
lets make some of them gay and some of them hate gays in my name

-_Something_Creative_-______04.04.2013.jpg (moron) (4.4.2013 8:18)
.... and capitalism, of course >-O

-_Something_Creative_-______04.04.2013.jpg (YodaRP (4.4.2013 7:22)
fake and gay and stupid