I want oil 04-01-2012 04.01.2012 
Obrázek I want oil 04-01-2012
MAGBA colombo simpsons crossover help refuges little of methane Marie je sikulka Thanks Brits
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I_want_oil_04-01-2012.jpg (SealinneRP (4.1.2012 21:35)
Scandinavia and the World...Like

I_want_oil_04-01-2012.jpg (róman) (4.1.2012 21:22)
v podstatě můžou dělat máslo i z ropy ;-)

I_want_oil_04-01-2012.jpg (uplne jiny pepa) (4.1.2012 19:47)
if Norway wanted your crap butter, it would not have suffered the shortage in first place

I_want_oil_04-01-2012.jpg (lojza) (4.1.2012 19:42)
i'll exchange your oil for butter Norway, how bout that?