MC.Escher-lego-waterfall 14.09.2005 
Obrázek MC.Escher-lego-waterfall
real targets pod nebo nad safety warning made in china 4 z tanku a pes wokepropaganda dnes 10 vyroci ruskeho barbarstvi
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MC.Escher-lego-waterfall.jpg (T_xy) (13.8.2012 1:21)
Waterfall - "We actually resorted to photographic manipulation for this one. We took two photographs of the model; one with and one without these channels, but from the identical viewpoint. The final image was constructed by very carefully overlaying portions of the left image with the corresponding portions from the right."

MC.Escher-lego-waterfall.jpg (T.) (23.8.2011 18:21)
ja na to nemuzu prijit. kde jsou ty prostorovy zlomy? prohlidl sem to lego xkrat a nevidim, kde to udelal

MC.Escher-lego-waterfall.jpg (PaiaRP (27.4.2011 19:33)
tak to je hustý!!! ale že si dal někdo tu práci to lego poskládat, aby to z toho jednoho zornýho úhlu vypadalo jako na tý kresbě i s těma prostorovejma deziluzema...