Nokia riot 29.07.2013 
Obrázek Nokia riot
real targets pod nebo nad safety warning made in china 4 z tanku a pes wokepropaganda Meloni Orban
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Nokia_riot.jpg (daemon_xRP (29.7.2013 19:10)
Si z toho dělejte prdel, ale až nasadí 5110ky...

Nokia_riot.jpg (S4h3L) (29.7.2013 14:11)
NOKIA Connecting People

Nokia_riot.jpg (Hulmiho Ukolen) (29.7.2013 12:16)
I thought that finish are quite peacefull people but they secretly developed weapons of mass destruction for years!!! Arrest them all with their thousands of lakes!!! >-O

Nokia_riot.jpg (ivanRP (29.7.2013 9:56)
And thats how war starts.