Portal kiwi 18.02.2011 
Obrázek Portal kiwi
real targets pod nebo nad safety warning made in china 4 z tanku a pes wokepropaganda dnes 10 vyroci ruskeho barbarstvi
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Portal_kiwi.jpg (Lemen) (18.2.2011 19:44)
I think that this picture is fake!!!!! In real world kiwni isn`t alive so it cant shave itself !!!!

Portal_kiwi.jpg (kiwi) (18.2.2011 16:35)
do you remember times, when we hated english lessons in school?

Portal_kiwi.jpg (Ork) (18.2.2011 12:56)
The KIWI is a LIE!!!

Portal_kiwi.jpg (SID) (18.2.2011 12:39)

Portal_kiwi.jpg (Abdul_HasanRP (18.2.2011 12:17)
Viktor: In english plese, those MFK do not understand to you.

Portal_kiwi.jpg (cmotdiblerRP (18.2.2011 11:54)
you have to think with portals!

Portal_kiwi.jpg (Viktor) (18.2.2011 11:54)
Uz ma to zacina srat, vsade pchate tu 4chanovsku anglictinu, pritom nevidim dovod..

Portal_kiwi.jpg (failboat croomembrRP (18.2.2011 11:47)
doesn't need to, when you use portals

Portal_kiwi.jpg (Nanuk) (18.2.2011 11:45)
... this picture makes none

Portal_kiwi.jpg (ŤululumRP (18.2.2011 11:42)