Scumbag Cupid 23-02-2012 23.02.2012 
Obrázek Scumbag Cupid 23-02-2012
safety warning made in china 4 z tanku a pes wokepropaganda dnes 10 vyroci ruskeho barbarstvi BANGer kam curate vy
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Scumbag_Cupid_23-02-2012.jpg (HyperMAXRP (20.8.2022 16:34)
shoots a man =) RUN!

Scumbag_Cupid_23-02-2012.jpg (DadamRP (18.4.2018 9:36)
Hits you with the arrow of love. Then shoots another girl.

Scumbag_Cupid_23-02-2012.jpg (8) (24.2.2012 16:07)
you were a douchebag but then you got an arrow in the asshole.

Scumbag_Cupid_23-02-2012.jpg (tsLRP (23.2.2012 22:40)
Ziri, mám pocit, že kdyby to řekl kdokoliv jinej, tak mu bůh pomáhej. Ale od tebe to nikomu vadit nebude (ani mě ne ;-))

Scumbag_Cupid_23-02-2012.jpg (raften) (23.2.2012 15:50)
skurvysyn jeden. vsak ja mu raz ten luk a sipy cornem a opravim co posral

Scumbag_Cupid_23-02-2012.jpg (1oun3rRP (23.2.2012 14:38)
lol, what a fuckin' scumbag.

Scumbag_Cupid_23-02-2012.jpg (Janička) (23.2.2012 14:13)
Ziriath: :-D

Scumbag_Cupid_23-02-2012.jpg (ZiriathRP (23.2.2012 14:08)
Hits you with the arrow of the knee.....Promiňte, nevydržela sem.

Scumbag_Cupid_23-02-2012.jpg (3DChleba) (23.2.2012 13:26)
Já si snad tu Scumbag čepici taky pořídím :)