Thor why 05.12.2013 
Obrázek Thor why
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Thor_why.jpg (*) (6.12.2013 5:55)
copak mechyr to neni problem, jenze jemu se chce srat

Thor_why.jpg (VincenzoRP (5.12.2013 22:52)
Je to boh a nevie ovládnuť vlastný močový mechúr? No boha jeho.

Thor_why.jpg (kapiláraRP (5.12.2013 21:15)
Rouming je kulaty.

Thor_why.jpg (T-JackRP (5.12.2013 21:14)
lalau: Rouming v kostce.

Thor_why.jpg (lalau) (5.12.2013 20:35)
na jednu stranu se tady vsichni rozcilujou, jak muze bejt nekdo verici a na druhou stranu se tu hadate o tom, co jedna fiktivni postava dokonaze/nedokaze, holt pokrok

Thor_why.jpg (knaak) (5.12.2013 16:34)
->Thus far, this includes Thor, the Awesome Android, Odin, Tiwaz, Red Norvell, Beta Ray Bill, Bor and Captain America. To anyone else, Mjolnir cannot be lifted from the ground nor wrested from Thor’s grip."

Thor_why.jpg (knaak) (5.12.2013 16:34)
wrong! dle Marvel wiki: "Worthiness Enchantment: This enchantment surrounding Mjolnir prevents it from being wielded by anyone save those who have been found worthy or anyone Thor deems acceptable to wield Mjolnir for a time; certain Asgardians, such as Skurge, have successfully lifted its handle from the ground, but not entirely lift Mjolnir itself. ->

Thor_why.jpg (weroroRP (5.12.2013 16:29)
bezvliv: K tomu si ako dospel? Moc Mjolniru ovláda iba Thor a všeotec.

Thor_why.jpg (KrucifixRP (5.12.2013 16:09)
ja bych si strčil to topůrko do prdele a komplet mu to zesral

Thor_why.jpg (YodaRP (5.12.2013 14:47)
očúrať mu palicu

Thor_why.jpg (bezvlivRP (5.12.2013 14:33)
Loki ale Mjolnir uzvedne.. B-)