i will never open this door 21.08.2013 
Obrázek i will never open this door
real targets pod nebo nad safety warning made in china 4 z tanku a pes wokepropaganda Meloni Orban
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i_will_never_open_this_door.jpg (salam__) (22.8.2013 11:41)
v té španělštině to vypadá na překlep timpo -> tiempo (=čas)

i_will_never_open_this_door.jpg (squrlRP (22.8.2013 11:26)
Never always open this look before door after you open dark this door.

i_will_never_open_this_door.jpg (failboat croomembrRP (22.8.2013 10:10)
Porad to vypada spis jako babybox

i_will_never_open_this_door.jpg (cpyRP (22.8.2013 8:47)
There have been several cases, nationwide, where someone has sneaked in the back door of a Fast Food restaurant when they are busy - and hid out until they closed and then robbed them. This has resulted in the shooting deaths of several employees. Since the campaign to keep the door locked and not to open it for anyone - incidents like this are almost nill now.

i_will_never_open_this_door.jpg (qq) (22.8.2013 8:17)
Dveře v "protiromske" zdi?

i_will_never_open_this_door.jpg (SiriandRP (21.8.2013 23:15)
Don't dead open inside?

i_will_never_open_this_door.jpg (AbeRP (21.8.2013 23:13)
To má Al Bundy zevnitř záchoda

i_will_never_open_this_door.jpg (ceoRP (21.8.2013 23:05)

i_will_never_open_this_door.jpg (Daver) (21.8.2013 22:34)
Spíš je to zadní východ z nějakého shopu do tmavého smradlavého kouta, kde se kumuluje zločin B-)

i_will_never_open_this_door.jpg (Gaerr) (21.8.2013 21:47)
Tam budú nejaké netopiere asi, ne?