its awkward 30.01.2012 
Obrázek its awkward
real targets pod nebo nad safety warning made in china 4 z tanku a pes wokepropaganda dnes 10 vyroci ruskeho barbarstvi
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its_awkward.jpg (Ivan Reitman) (29.11.2019 9:14)
Twins 2

its_awkward.jpg (traceourRP (31.1.2012 16:19)
"when someone had posted" asi najskor

its_awkward.jpg (rastislavcsapak) (31.1.2012 12:16)
It's awkward when the post you're looking at isn't funny nor interesting... :-(

its_awkward.jpg (zubR_x) (30.1.2012 19:48)
"when someone has posted" spíš

its_awkward.jpg (Satan) (30.1.2012 17:16)
Božský Kája : It's awkward when someone posted the same picture as you ... but you dont KNOW it's dupla ;-)

its_awkward.jpg (Božský Kája) (30.1.2012 17:02)
It's awkward when someone posted the same picture as you ... but you dont think it's dupla :o)