leo inkvizitor 12.04.2011 
Obrázek leo inkvizitor
real targets pod nebo nad safety warning made in china 4 z tanku a pes wokepropaganda Meloni Orban
Komentáře (3) Komentovat Nezobrazovat

leo_inkvizitor.jpg (Gregor Eisenhorn) (12.4.2011 22:48)
He was once human. Once human, but human no longer! My team and I have judged the worth of this mutant. He is rotten through with the Taint! Despite this world's potentional value, I am afraid the risk of contamination is too great. There is only one solution. Exterminatus! The Emperor protects...

leo_inkvizitor.jpg (Aahzmandius) (12.4.2011 20:06)
nerd alert :o)

leo_inkvizitor.jpg (wr) (12.4.2011 12:53)
skoda jen, ze to neni inkvizice, ale crimson fists:]