marry 15.03.2011 
Obrázek marry
real targets pod nebo nad safety warning made in china 4 z tanku a pes wokepropaganda Meloni Orban
Komentáře (5) Komentovat Nezobrazovat

marry.png (402) (15.3.2011 20:21)
Boudis: ruce ma od narozeni

marry.png (...) (15.3.2011 19:50)
Boudis: ty anglicky radsi nepis, to je k zbliti

marry.png (UjoPlynarRP (15.3.2011 18:42)
no kde je ten nacek?

marry.png (Boudis) (15.3.2011 18:37)
Dear spiq, come back when you will have a same girlfriend for about two-three years :-)

marry.png (spiqRP (15.3.2011 18:02)
Dear girls, if a guy plays video games instead of having sex with you, you should probably find another guy.