ninjas cant catch you 20.10.2010 
Obrázek ninjas cant catch you
real targets pod nebo nad safety warning made in china 4 z tanku a pes wokepropaganda Meloni Orban
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ninjas_cant_catch_you.jpg (edgobardRP (30.7.2015 8:27)
"Ninja's can't catch you if there a mile away": WTF?

ninjas_cant_catch_you.jpg (MightyPsychoRP (16.3.2011 20:46)
Ninjas will remeer this day as the day, they almost caught captain jack sparrow

ninjas_cant_catch_you.jpg (Smrtka) (19.11.2010 18:51)
lol Ninjas can't catch you if they aren't around to se povedlo.. nebo taky Page cannot be found

ninjas_cant_catch_you.jpg (PaulZy) (23.10.2010 19:57)
Mě dostalo "Ninjas can't catch you if you're Somali pirates" :D Drsné bylo taky (ne tady): "...if you are a f**king T-Rex".

ninjas_cant_catch_you.jpg ( ) (22.10.2010 22:47)
ninjas "never gonna give you up" :D:D:D awesomeee

ninjas_cant_catch_you.jpg (daemon_xRP (22.10.2010 19:24)
Ninjas can't catch you if they aren't around :D

ninjas_cant_catch_you.jpg (lootamRP (22.10.2010 12:39)
ach zase ta anglictina nasa ...

ninjas_cant_catch_you.jpg (road runnerRP (22.10.2010 12:08)
"Ninjas can't touch this" je imho nejpovedenější...

ninjas_cant_catch_you.jpg (zaq) (22.10.2010 10:50)
1 mozno 2 jsou v poho jinak boring ..

ninjas_cant_catch_you.jpg (yournameRP (22.10.2010 10:31)
chuck je 3 zvrchu :) tiez som to lustil nejaku chvilku ale je to tam :) ..... inac dost paradne :D

ninjas_cant_catch_you.jpg (KRoman47RP (22.10.2010 10:29)
Chuck je hned 3. xD

ninjas_cant_catch_you.jpg (m4rtin) (22.10.2010 10:23)
Chucka jsem cekal taky :)

ninjas_cant_catch_you.jpg (ilmaterRP (22.10.2010 9:39)
To homofob: Nechýba. Je to tam. Je to dosť rozmazané, ale je to tam.

ninjas_cant_catch_you.jpg (homofob) (22.10.2010 9:33)
už tam chýba len Ninja cant catch you, if you are Chuck Norris... :)

ninjas_cant_catch_you.jpg (anonymous) (22.10.2010 9:29)
@flz: fail
