ohnoplivatko gps 05.10.2022 
Obrázek ohnoplivatko gps
Zahnat do kouta potreti terenkoz rychlokurz ruske historie superroumenista z noveho caulidi
Komentáře (5) Komentovat Nezobrazovat

ohnoplivatko_gps.jpg (Ksksks) (6.10.2022 0:18)
I like it!!!

ohnoplivatko_gps.jpg (kolemjdoucí skoro-odborník) (5.10.2022 22:22)
@bighammer - The fuel cock, located between the fuel tank and the carburetor, is the part that manually or automatically interrupts the fuel cock to prevent unwanted fuel from flowing into the carburetor when the engine is off. Cpt. out

ohnoplivatko_gps.jpg (bighammerRP (5.10.2022 21:14)
proč má pod tím fuel napsaný cock? =)

ohnoplivatko_gps.jpg (Lee) (5.10.2022 20:19)
yes sir

ohnoplivatko_gps.jpg (haxorr) (5.10.2022 19:43)
to je spit ?