stallone paprika 19.01.2014 
Obrázek stallone paprika
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stallone_paprika.jpg (cansRP (19.1.2014 20:59)
a taky Stallone vypadá jak Rupert :-)

stallone_paprika.jpg (cansRP (19.1.2014 20:57)
fake, ta paprika je rozřízlá, to poznam né :-)

stallone_paprika.jpg (kkk) (19.1.2014 20:00)
Complications his mother suffered during labor forced her obstetricians to use two pairs of forceps during his birth; misuse of these accidentally severed a nerve and caused paralysis in parts of Stallone's face. As a result, the lower left side of his face is paralyzed – including parts of his lip, tongue, and chin – an accident which has given Stallone his snarling look and slightly slurred speech. (ohromne smiesne to je hahaha)

stallone_paprika.jpg (AlexRP (19.1.2014 19:10)