tyrant boot 06.02.2012 
Obrázek tyrant boot
safety warning made in china wokepropaganda kam curate vy 4 z tanku a pes dnes 10 vyroci ruskeho barbarstvi BANGer
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tyrant_boot.jpg (socketRP (9.5.2015 17:42)
cim viac bodakov tak tym pohodlnejsie bude chodit. anarchisti fail, fyzici win.

tyrant_boot.jpg (DCRP (6.2.2012 0:52)
...surfacing in exhibitions, TV shows and films."

tyrant_boot.jpg (DCRP (6.2.2012 0:51)
[odkaz] "Best known as the artist who designed the iconic “Hope” poster for the Obama campaign, Frank Shepard Fairey is the mastermind behind “Obey Giant”, a populist “experiment in phenomenology”. To make the Obey Giant project one of the biggest art campaigns ever, Fairey put out countless spray paint stencils in the streets, 20,000 posters and over a million stickers. Today, the “Andre the Giant” image and “Obey giant” logos are true cultural icons...

tyrant_boot.jpg (vtech) (6.2.2012 0:49)

tyrant_boot.jpg (MieraKRP (6.2.2012 0:46)
Obvious troll is obvious.

tyrant_boot.jpg (xxxx) (6.2.2012 0:45)
běžte do řiti s těma anarchistickýma kokotinama, nevím co se vám nelíbí na smlouvách PIPA, SOPA a ACTA :-/ běžně chodíte do obchodu krást protože to patří všem?