:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


Video 'The Fastest Judge Judy Case in History' Video 'The Fastest Judge Judy Case in History' (Proky) (15.5.2011 14:19) reagovat
pro neanglicky hovořící: Ale tam nebylo žádný sluchátko madam :) prostě přeřek jak svině :D

Video 'The Fastest Judge Judy Case in History' Video 'The Fastest Judge Judy Case in History' (k0SeekRP (15.5.2011 10:23) reagovat
Už to mám, je to v komentech na YT :-) "But there was no earpiece in there, mam."

Video 'The Fastest Judge Judy Case in History' Video 'The Fastest Judge Judy Case in History' (k0SeekRP (15.5.2011 10:21) reagovat
Taky bych poprosil o překlad..

Video 'The Fastest Judge Judy Case in History' Video 'The Fastest Judge Judy Case in History' (DweepRP (15.5.2011 10:15) reagovat
co rika ten mladik ?:/ neco s piercem a mailem?