:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


Video 'The Best Story of the Year' Video 'The Best Story of the Year' (kuracíno) (28.6.2011 12:09) reagovat
zastavili vlak na prechode? nečuduj sa, zotrvačnosť je sviňa, kde im vyšlo, zastavili. :o)

Video 'The Best Story of the Year' Video 'The Best Story of the Year' (Noxius) (27.6.2011 16:20) reagovat
ak je pravda, ze volala 16 hodin v kuse a hlucne, tak sa necudujem ani ja .. len je trosku divne, ze ju nevytiahli von na stanici, ale zastavili vlak na prechode :-O

Video 'The Best Story of the Year' Video 'The Best Story of the Year' (hoppoRP (27.6.2011 15:53) reagovat
keď som si pozrel to video aj s komentárom tu: [odkaz] , tak som celkom porozumel tomu zásahu polície >-O

Video 'The Best Story of the Year' Video 'The Best Story of the Year' (AshleyVega) (27.6.2011 15:46) reagovat
Podvozek vlaku drhnul o pražce, tak jí vystoupili :o).

Video 'The Best Story of the Year' Video 'The Best Story of the Year' (JajatorRP (27.6.2011 15:44) reagovat
to by meli zacit delat i u nas..a preventivne vubec nepoustet do vlaku zenske ve skupinkach,protoze sem jeste nezazil za 5 roku,co jezdim denne do skoly,aby se skupina holek bavila normalne 8-)

Video 'The Best Story of the Year' Video 'The Best Story of the Year' (bebebe) (27.6.2011 15:28) reagovat
Nie nie si dement, len nevies co to je ked nejaky arogantny (vacsinou opaleneho typu) kreten vrieska na cely vagon aby vsetci vedeli aky on je dolezity (resp. neviem koli comu to robia no prepokladam ze prave koli tomu)....

Video 'The Best Story of the Year' Video 'The Best Story of the Year' (Ja1) (27.6.2011 15:24) reagovat
skor preto, ze mala len jeden obycajny listok a podla toho ako vyzera, si mala kupit dva

Video 'The Best Story of the Year' Video 'The Best Story of the Year' (bubabe) (27.6.2011 15:19) reagovat
ani se tomu nedivim nektry lidi dokazou opruzovat sve okoli dokonale.....

Video 'The Best Story of the Year' Video 'The Best Story of the Year' (zrnecxRP (27.6.2011 15:15) reagovat
T sem trocuh nepochopil... Oni jako zastavily vlak protože lidi obtěžovalo že telefonovala? Asi sem dement..

Video 'The Best Story of the Year' Video 'The Best Story of the Year' (WondrejRP (27.6.2011 15:06) reagovat
Only in USA - A woman who got pulled of an Amtrak train by police after passengers complained she was speaking too loudly on a cell phone said she felt “disrespected” by the entire incident. [odkaz]